Brittany Martinez

CEO of Lash Affect, BROWS BY BRITT

Hello, my name is Brittany, and I am not just a salon owner, but also a business mentor, lash tech, and ombré brow specialist. In 2017, I made the bold decision to move to San Antonio, leaving behind my hometown of Abilene. Having been a dental assistant for seven years, it seemed unimaginable to quit the dental field and venture into the lash industry. However, as a single mom of two, in a new city with no family support, I mustered the courage to take that leap of faith. In 2019, I fully immersed myself in the world of lashes, embracing the unknown and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. It was a daunting experience, but I knew deep down that this was the right path for me. Determined to expand my skill set, I completed esthetician school in 2020. Additionally, I achieved my tattoo license, allowing me to offer a broader range of services to my clients. Fast forward to this May, and I accomplished one of my biggest dreams—I opened my very own beauty salon. The process of establishing my salon was undoubtedly the most intimidating and challenging experience I've faced in my career thus far. However, with unwavering determination and an unyielding belief in myself, I overcame every obstacle and turned my vision into reality. Now, I am driven by a new passion—to help others grow and start their own businesses. I want to be the guiding light that mentors and supports individuals on their entrepreneurial journey. If you have dreams of starting your own venture but find yourself hesitant and fearful, I am here to encourage you to make that move. Together, we can navigate the challenges, overcome the obstacles, and transform your aspirations into a thriving reality. I firmly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed and flourish in their chosen field. Through my mentorship and guidance, I aim to empower you to take charge of your destiny and embark on a fulfilling entrepreneurial path. It's time to embrace the unknown, trust in your abilities, and embark on a remarkable journey of personal and professional growth. Don't let fear hold you back any longer. Seize this moment, and let's embark on an incredible journey together, where your dreams become your reality.

Lash Artist & Wax Professional


Hello, my name is Reanna, I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, and have been in the industry since 2022. I am a lash artist and a wax professional. I was a veterinary technician for 7 years before I decided to take a huge leap into a different career. Leaving a job that I absolutely loved and was passionate about scared me but being underpaid and under appreciated gave me the extra kick I needed to decide that this leap was what I needed to find my purpose. I started esthetician school in 2022 not having any idea what I wanted to achieve. While going to night school and working full-time at a veterinary clinic, I achieved my Brazilian wax certification and a lash certification. I graduated from esthetician school in 2023. Now I work under Lash Affect with smart, successful, motivated hustlers inside CBxLA Beauty Lounge. Being in the industry has taken me out of my comfort zone as well as taken me to places I never thought I would end up. Trust yourself, and believe in yourself, we all have to start somewhere.